Aiden's 5 Month Birthday
Aiden has had a big month! He doesn't mind tummy time quite as much these days so he can lift his head and chest off the floor.

He just started sitting up on his own too (kind of)! He will sit up for a very short amount of time and then he has to be reset - but its so exciting to see glimpses of the future! Pretty soon he will be able to sit up on his own and that will be a big benefit. He doesn't like laying on his back to play anymore to we are constantly shuffling between the exersaucer, sitting on the couch, and sitting on Mommy or Daddy's lap. We tried the Bumbo but Aiden's legs are too fat! He gets all upset and tries to 'stretch' his way out of the seat because its too restrictive.

This boy can eat! He is eating between 30-35 ounces of milk a day plus a serving of oatmeal at lunch and a fruit or vegetable at dinner time. I'd like to say all that is helping him sleep but he is still up at least once a night (on a good night!) to have a bottle. We are trying to brainstorm some creative ideas on how to get him to sleep!
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