Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Aiden's 8 Month Birthday

I'd like to say that Aiden started sleeping this month but miracle of all miracles he is sleeping worse now than ever. For the last two weeks he has been getting up ever hour and a half at night. We switched his formula to soy formula and started some Zantac for acid reflux so we'll see how all of these changes pan out. We haven't seen any improvements yet but we're keeping our fingers crossed.

Aiden also got ear tubes this month. At first it was alittle difficult because his left ear tube got clogged with blood from the surgery, however we got it unclogged a couple of days later and he hasn't had an ear infection since. As a matter of fact I don't think he's had a cold since then either...

His newest trick is eating Daddy's hat. Whenever Jason holds him he immediately reaches for his hat and eats the bill. Jason says its hilarious because Aiden sticks his tongue out on the underside of the hat! I wish I could see that!

What a wonderful little boy. Although we complain about him not sleeping I wouldn't trade him for the world. He has really turned into a lot of fun in the last month. He has always been pretty happy but since he's been feeling better he has been all giggles and laughs. Everytime we go to the mall all the women flirt with Aiden and he flirts right back. He laughs constantly and loves to play. He is really fun to play with!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Aiden's first Halloween was fun! His costume was a monkey suit and boy did he love wearing it! I don't think he smiled once while he was all bundled up. He had a look of total defeat on his face. He was just humoring us :)

We spent the evening at Uncle Nicky's house handing out candy. Aiden did trick-or-treat to a couple of houses but he didn't get any candy.

Of course he was just getting over a double ear infection so we had his ears bundled up with an ear warmer Jason wears for snowboarding. I'm sure that added to his enjoyment - he could hardly see!