Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Big Week!

Jason went on a business trip to Japan and all sorts of things started happening back home! This week Aiden's first tooth started popping through! You can just barely see it a white bump when he smiles. You can kind of see it in the picture up there.

On top of his new tooth he started rolling over! I thought he would never do it because he is so big but out of the blue he decided to roll from his tummy to his back last night. I personally think he learned to roll over because he hates tummy time! We'll see how long he waits to roll from his back to his tummy.

Last but not least (my favorite) is he started saying "Mama". I thought I was just being crazy when I heard him say it the first time but then we had confirmed reports by both of his teachers at daycare, another mom at daycare, and my parents! It won't be long until he's walking and talking.

Some of this stuff seems like it was a long time coming but in retrospect it has only been six months. I can't believe how fast they grow up! Already Aiden doesn't want to sit in your lap - he wants to be playing with a toy or doing something more interesting! It seems to be working though since he has had such a big week!

Aiden's 6 Month Birthday

Has it been six months already? Aiden has grown so much! He officially weighed in at 21lbs 13oz at his six month check up. His current length is 29 inches - he's still off the chart! We are in the 12-18 month clothes! What a cutie! He smiles all the time and has a sunny disposition. The only thing that messes him up these days is getting sick, and even that doesn't make him grumpy; it does make him not sleep though! Even when he's not sick he is still not sleeping very well and the pediatrician said that maybe he won't sleep until his 1 year birthday! That is definitely not in any of the baby magazines I read!

Aiden is sitting up really well now and eating like a big boy too! We started him on yogurt right at six months and he really loves it! But is there a food he doesn't love? He is babbling away and playing with lots of interactive toys these days. He is adjusting really well to daycare which makes it a lot easier to drop him off in the mornings! But he has gotten sick a lot lately and I think daycare has a lot to do with it. This month he got thrush (twice), a cold, an ear infection, and an eye infection! Geez, I hope his immunity gets built up soon!

We had some pictures taken professionally to celebrate Aiden's half birthday. He sat still and smiled for the camera so well. I was really impressed! We didn't have any melt downs or anything. As long as he's fed he's pretty happy :)
We'll keep you posted of all the new developments!