
Aiden's first Halloween was fun! His costume was a monkey suit and boy did he love wearing it! I don't think he smiled once while he was all bundled up. He had a look of total defeat on his face. He was just humoring us :)
Happy 7 Month Birthday! Lets get caught up on the biggest month so far! Aiden got two teeth this month! Right around his 6 1/2 month birthday Nanny felt his first tooth and now you can see it pretty well. Right beside the first one (the bottom center tooth on the left side) is his second (the other half of the pair on the right side). Can you see them?
His appetite is still really good. But we have to hide milk in oatmeal or anything just so we can get him to drink the 20oz a day minimum. He isn't sleeping yet but he seems to be making some improvements - he is only getting up four times a night (instead of every hour and a half) and only eating two of the four times he wakes. The doctor said maybe he'll start sleeping around 10 months - I hope we can make it that long!
Aiden's intensity these days is unmatched. I think he was trying to set this rattle on fire with the laserbeams coming out of his eyes! He is definitely trying to figure out everything around him!
We'll keep you updated about other cool stuff we do!
Labels: Aiden at 7 Months
Aiden got to share his Daddy's favorite hobby - airplanes! Okay, call me a paranoid first time mom but we did sunscreen, full coverage hat, long pant/sleeves, and ear muffs. Those airplanes are loud! I definitely wasn't prepared for the amount of noise some of those them made! He only actually saw a couple but he heard lots of them - especially the F22. It hurt my ears and we didn't cover Aiden's ears quickly enough for its first pass so there were some tears until we got the earmuffs on. Thanks to the Bakers for lending them to us! Surprisingly the muffs didn't bother him - he didn't try to take them off at all. He even fell asleep wearing them! I was thinking maybe he should wear them for every nap - he slept awesome. The airshow was a success but we'll be sure to get some of our own muffs for him next time!
Has it been six months already? Aiden has grown so much! He officially weighed in at 21lbs 13oz at his six month check up. His current length is 29 inches - he's still off the chart! We are in the 12-18 month clothes! What a cutie! He smiles all the time and has a sunny disposition. The only thing that messes him up these days is getting sick, and even that doesn't make him grumpy; it does make him not sleep though! Even when he's not sick he is still not sleeping very well and the pediatrician said that maybe he won't sleep until his 1 year birthday! That is definitely not in any of the baby magazines I read!
Aiden has had a big month! He doesn't mind tummy time quite as much these days so he can lift his head and chest off the floor.
Wow! Has it been four months already? I am getting ready to go back to work and so much has changed in the last couple of weeks! Aiden appears to be teething - he chews on his hands like crazy, drools all over everything, and puts anything within reach into his mouth. Just this morning he started really grabbing things easily and holding on to them. He has been batting at hanging toys and grabbing them for a while but not really holding onto free standing objects. And he smiles all the time now! Jason got him to actually laugh a couple of days ago. It was so adorable - and then funny because everytime Aiden laughs he gets the hiccups! Well at least one person in the house thinks Jason's jokes are funny :)
Labels: Aiden at 4 Months
Finally! I just so happened to have a camera within reach when Aiden started smiling! I have waited so long to catch this that I can't post just one!
Labels: All Smiles
Aiden is growing like a weed! Even though he is only 10 weeks old he has almost outgrown the 3-6 month onesies! We just started putting him in 6-9 month sleepers at night. Jason and I bought this adorable moose sleeper when we went to Alaska and Aiden is finally big enough to wear it... not that we had any inkling that we were expecting when we were in Alaska. We were just preparing for the future :)
I can hardly believe Aiden is 2 months old! He looks like such a little man already! At his 2 month check up we found out that he is in the 95% for both height and weight (check out his growth charts)! It makes me feel better about how much he eats - at least all the milk is doing some good! He got his first round of shots and he did so well - he only cried for a couple of seconds. Fortunately for us he didn't get a fever or anything... unfortunately he didn't sleep for two nights!
I keep trying to snap pictures of the faces Aiden makes... I was really hoping to get a picture of him smiling. But, the only face he let me catch was his pout.
Labels: Aiden at 2 Months