Sunday, July 15, 2007

Aiden's 4 Month Birthday

Wow! Has it been four months already? I am getting ready to go back to work and so much has changed in the last couple of weeks! Aiden appears to be teething - he chews on his hands like crazy, drools all over everything, and puts anything within reach into his mouth. Just this morning he started really grabbing things easily and holding on to them. He has been batting at hanging toys and grabbing them for a while but not really holding onto free standing objects. And he smiles all the time now! Jason got him to actually laugh a couple of days ago. It was so adorable - and then funny because everytime Aiden laughs he gets the hiccups! Well at least one person in the house thinks Jason's jokes are funny :)

Yesterday we started Aiden on oatmeal. We had tried solid foods a couple of times before but he wasn't really into it. Yesterday he loved it! The book says to start the baby out with about a teaspoon. Aiden has quite the appetite - he ate a two tablespoons in one sitting!

Aiden has slept really well for a couple of nights now. He had a really tough time when he first started teething but now that he started oatmeal I think it is helping. He slept for 8 hours straight last night! That's a new personal record. He loves to nap on the alpaca!!

Did I mention Aiden was drooling a lot?

We'll keep you posted about Aiden's four month height and weight. His doctors appointment is next Friday so we'll get the official stats then. But he is already wearing 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers!

Today Papa, Jason, Aiden, and I went to Easton to walk around and enjoy the beautiful weather! We are missing Nanny, Aunt Kelly, Aunt Shelly, and cousin Sydney though. Happy Birthday Sydney!! We love you!